For the technical communications course at ISU, I was tasked to create an infographic explaining some idea or process. I'm into physics stuff so I thought that I'd try to exlain Archimedes' Principle in a clear and understandable way.
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Archimedes' Principle. Affinity Designer.
Art Samples
A lot of my time in the Graphics Communications program was spent on layout for posters, letters, and brochures. Unfortunately, I don't have any of that work anymore, but I still have my best art, mostly vector art but some of them were made in Photoshop. All of these pieces I either did in my free time or as part of a broadly defined assignment—no step-by-step assignments in here.
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Impossibly Possible Tower. Illustrator. This isometric illustration was inspired by the game Monument Valley.Perspective. Illustrator. I was further messing with isometric art when I ended up with these four jagged lines. They were reminicent of a building, but it was sort of tricky—like it had two perspectives at once. So I ran with it.Phone Concept. Illustrator. I spent a lot of time on this one. Maybe too much. It's all separated cleanly into layers: hardware, software, and shadows, and within software it's divided further into the status bar, weather widget, and so forth.Satellites. Illustrator. This is one of my favorite illustrations of mine. It somehow feels huge and small at the same time.The Snow Man. Photoshop. This piece was designed in Photoshop and exported as an STL file to be 3D printed as a keychain. It's made up of two layers: The diagonal lines in the background, and the art, text, and border in the foreground, which I darkened with black paint. I think he's charming, albiet suspicious.
Video Game Concept Art
I do some game dev, just as a hobbyist. Most of this art is for one game, Kayak-o-Rama!
The art of the Kayak-O-Rama! is inspired by vintage travel posters, hence the paper-like appearance in-game, and adventurous, eerily optimistic tone overall that I was going for. The terrain in every level consists of a stretch of water and its immediate ground, objects, and vegitation—all that a kayaker would see anyway. Everything's on a black background, which I think makes for a cool contrast especially on OLED displays.
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This is a banner concept I came up with. It's only half finished, but I think it captures the vibe I'm going for so far: adventurous and intense, yet sort-of glammorous and prestegious.This is the jungle terrain, the concept art that I've based the game on so far. It's also the cleanest looking terrain in my opinion.This is the canyon terrain, inspired by the Grand Canyon.This is the archipelogo terrain. It's wide and there's no flowing water, so it's a lot different from the other concepts. It would probably need something else to make it interesting. Sharks?This is the pine forest terrain. The stream is narrow and rocky, treacherous in it's own right. Those are supposed to be pine trees; hopefully that'll be more obvious when they have parallax in-game.